Embracing Change: The “Stop Sneeze to Wheeze” Initiative’s Pioneering Approach to Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Management

Person sneezing illustrating the importance of the “Stop Sneeze to Wheeze” initiative in combating Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma

In a move that promises to reshape the landscape of respiratory health, Alkem Laboratories Ltd. launched the “Stop Sneeze to Wheeze” initiative during World Allergy Week. With a focus on the coexistence of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma, this initiative brings to light the importance of an integrated approach.

The central theme is “One Airway, One Disease”, highlighting that Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma are interconnected. Allergic Rhinitis causes symptoms like sneezing, nasal congestion, and itching, while Asthma affects the airways, causing breathing difficulties.

Mr. Sudipta Roy of Alkem Laboratories emphasizes the significance of this initiative, stating, “The incidence of asthma and Allergic Rhinitis is on the rise within the general population… Recent estimates suggest that approximately 60 to 78% of individuals diagnosed with asthma also have concurrent Allergic Rhinitis.”

The “Stop Sneeze to Wheeze” initiative is a comprehensive campaign that includes awareness drives, camps, and clinics, aiming to educate the public and patients. Additionally, it encourages individuals to seek medical advice for persistent symptoms, recognize common triggers, and adhere to prescribed treatment plans.

Furthermore, Alkem Laboratories has taken a step further by promoting the Healthy Lungs portal, a one-stop credible knowledge repository on lung diseases. This portal is an excellent resource for patients, offering essential information for improving knowledge and motivating patients to adhere to therapy.

In conclusion, the “Stop Sneeze to Wheeze” initiative is set to pioneer a new path in the management of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma. Through education, awareness, and action, it has the potential to transform the lives of those affected by these conditions. Through collective efforts, there is hope for a future where patients can regain control of their respiratory health and lead fulfilling lives.


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