Creative Glaucoma Campaign Enlightens Millions with Unique Outreach

Recognized as a leading cause of preventable irreversible blindness, Glaucoma is a collection of eye diseases that stealthily erode vision. Risk factors include high eye pressure, age, family history, high myopia, and eye traumas. Dr. Satyajit Sinha, Chairman of A. B. Eye Institute, Patna, highlighted that timely detection and treatment could thwart up to 90% of glaucoma-related blindness, making regular ophthalmologic check-ups an essential preventive measure for high-risk individuals.

The Entod Eye Health Foundation has just wrapped up an inventive and far-reaching Glaucoma awareness campaign, which touched the lives of over 10 million people across India. Coinciding with World Glaucoma Week, from March 12th to 20th, 2023, the campaign employed a variety of engaging methods to target both the younger generation and those over 40 in multiple cities, including Bihar, Jharkhand, Punjab, Kolkata, Kashmir, and Mumbai. Working alongside ENTOD Pharmaceuticals, the foundation partnered with numerous ophthalmologists and coordinated a series of eye checkup camps, workshops, and Glaucoma Walks.

Taking advantage of the power of social media, the foundation enlisted the help of famed celebrity choreographer Terence Lewis to kick off a viral blindfold challenge. Social media influencers eagerly joined the cause, boosting the hashtag #GetTestedForGlaucoma into Twitter’s top 5 trends throughout the week. ENTOD Pharmaceuticals CEO, Mr. Nikkhil K Masurkar, emphasized the campaign’s aim to shatter misconceptions about youth blindness and underscore the vital need for regular eye exams.

Through its imaginative campaign, the Entod Eye Health Foundation, in collaboration with ENTOD Pharmaceuticals, has successfully heightened public awareness about Glaucoma, emphasizing the life-changing importance of regular eye screenings in combating this silent thief of sight.


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