RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Centre Organised Maha Arogya Shivir for More than 1.1 Million Patients

Maharashtra's Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bhairavnath Sugar Industries, and the RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Centre medical camp

In a milestone for public health, the Maharashtra Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bhairavnath Sugar Industries, and the RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Centre collaborated to host a free medical camp during the Vishnu Pooja Festival. The camp, catering to over 1.1 million patients, secured a place in the Guinness World Records.

The importance of this achievement is heightened considering India’s healthcare worker shortage, with the World Bank reporting just 2.4 doctors per 1,000 people in 2020. The camp’s vast array of services, from basic health checks to specialized consultations, represent a significant stride towards addressing this gap.

Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, who spearheaded the initiative, has been instrumental in organizing over 29,000 medical camps, serving more than 35 million individuals. His steadfast dedication to public health is a testament to the power of focused, innovative healthcare initiatives.

The success of this camp marks a significant advancement for India’s healthcare system, highlighting the potential of collaborative initiatives in transforming healthcare access and delivery across the nation.


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