Sugar Reduction Meets Delicious Fruit Juices with Better Juice and GEA

Better Juice, a food tech innovator, has teamed up with GEA Group, a top provider of food processing technology, to bring sugar reduction to delicious fruit juices. In a series of innovative pilot trials, Better Juice and GEA aimed to reduce sugar content in natural berry and fruit juices, giving consumers a healthier choice.

The trials took place at GEA’s cutting-edge innovation hub in Ahaus, Germany, where the GEA Better Juice Sugar Converter Skid was installed, featuring Better Juice’s proprietary sugar-reducing beads. The results were phenomenal – the team was able to lower sugar content by up to 50% in forest fruit juices like cherry, strawberry, and blueberry, all while preserving their natural taste and texture.

Better Juice’s sugar-reducing beads are made from non-GMO microorganisms that convert the juice’s simple sugars into prebiotic oligosaccharides and other non-digestible fibers, keeping the juice’s natural nutritional value intact. The treatment process was effective for both clear juices and concentrates, as well as pulp-retained juices.

“We’re bringing a healthier option to fruit juices, and we couldn’t be more excited,” said Gali Yarom, Better Juice co-founder and Co-CEO. “We’re in advanced talks with several major US-based fruit juice companies and believe that reduced-sugar fruit juices will be available to consumers soon.”

Better Juice’s technology is designed to retain the pulp in the juice, delivering the fiber-rich solids and tantalizing texture that consumers crave. “Our partnership with Better Juice gives juice brands a unique advantage in the market, offering healthier fruit juices that still taste incredible,” said Michael Harenkamp, Sales Support Engineer for Non-Alcoholic Beverages for GEA. “It’s a taste sensation like no other.”


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