One Health Direct’s Company Culture Committee Promotes Collaboration Between Offices in Florida, Puerto Rico, and The Philippines

One Health Direct Company Culture Committee Event

One Health Direct’s Company Culture Committee (CCC) has taken an innovative approach to team building by adopting unique initiatives that unite offices separated by time zones and international borders.

The committee was established in an effort to lessen the silo effect common to organizations with multiple locations. Promoting collaboration, and better cultural understanding between different offices, by curating carefully planned events has provided a platform for colleagues to express their personalities.

One of the CCC’s first initiatives was the introduction of a quarterly town hall format, where top performers and outstanding agents receive awards and recognition. Unlike typical corporate town halls, One Health Direct’s town halls follow fun themes, with employees given the opportunity to make suggestions and vote on the various themes and how the themes are integrated into the meeting to promote enhanced engagement and inclusion.

Other events organized by the CCC include potlucks, employee appreciation days, and spirit weeks. Employees are encouraged to participate in these events, and their feedback is collected through anonymous surveys to determine the most popular themes.

The CCC’s efforts have led to significant improvement in retention. “Entry-level and other similar roles have high attrition rates across the workforce, a paradigm One Health Direct aims to solve within our own organization,” said founder and CEO Alois Rubenbauer. “Retaining the experience and tribal knowledge of these positions provides tremendous value across the entire company.”

Having long-term employees provides multiple benefits, including a strong sense of stability, familiarity, and team building, as well as avoiding the high cost of hiring and training that high turnover rates create.

According to Rubenbauer, “Studies have shown that taking time away from the potential monotony of an office job with fun and inclusive activities has a positive impact and improved performance. Excitement leading up to these events keeps team members motivated and having fun. We are able to inject fun without sacrificing professionalism and productivity.”

The CCC was also instrumental in launching a rewards program and a branded merchandise store, where employees can purchase items like clothing, backpacks, and coolers using points earned from attendance goals and exemplary performance notes by managers or fellow colleagues. It produces daily incentives to keep employees engaged and provides managers the ability to recognize and show appreciation for their employees.


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