Lung transplant restores life for 16-year-old boy, marking a remarkable medical triumph at Medica Superspecialty Hospital

"First successful lung transplant surgery in Eastern India"

Eastern India’s healthcare landscape has been transformed with the first successful lung transplant surgery at Medica Superspecialty Hospital. The recipient, a 16-year-old boy named Swapnil Biswas, suffered from respiratory distress following accidental ingestion of paraquat, a highly toxic herbicide known for its inherent fatality rate due to a lack of effective treatments.

Led by Dr. Kunal Sarkar and Dr. Dipanjan Chatterjee, the team at Medica Superspecialty Hospital had to make a tough call. Swapnil’s initial treatment, including 37 days of veno-venous ECMO support, did not yield improvements. As a result, a lung transplant was considered the only viable life-saving option.

While organ transplantation is a common procedure globally, the process remains challenging in India due to a lack of donors. Fortunately, through ROTTO (East)’s proactive efforts, a suitable donor was found in Bhubaneshwar’s SUM Ultimate Hospital.

Following the successful surgery, Swapnil’s health has improved significantly. The ECMO support has been discontinued, and he is gradually being weaned off ventilatory support. This operation underscores the hospital’s commitment to delivering unparalleled medical care. The lung transplant has not only saved a life but also serves as a beacon of hope for other patients awaiting transplants.

This significant achievement is a testament to the advancements in the medical field, particularly in organ transplantation, in India. With the successful completion of this complex procedure, Medica Superspecialty Hospital has marked its place in the annals of Eastern India’s medical history.


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